Saturday, October 22, 2011

Super Short Story #4

 It was like every other time she and her sisters had gone over to their grandparents house. Fun times in the backyard, playing ball with the cousins or ping-pong in the basement. The house was on a hilltop – over looking the valley. It wasn't very often that the girls got to see their grandparents, and Jackie felt that this time would be different. Unlike the other times they had visited, Jackie's parents had packed for an overnight stay. Now, this itself was strange because Jackie and the family lived about 30 miles away. But, it didn't phase Jackie in the least.

The girls; Jackie, Aubrey, and Melonie loved playing ball with the cousins. Especially since they had enough players for two whole teams. So, the girls went outside and played some with the cousins. But, what was happening side the house was something far different. The children didn't hear the screaming and yelling coming from the house.

“Kids, its time for bed!” Yelled their mother from the small porch.
The girls rushed into the house, clambered into their pajamas, and stood in line to give their Grandma and Grandpa a kiss on the cheek before heading into the room that they would spend the night in.

It was starting to get dark when Jackie heard a funny noise coming from the kitchen. She got up out of bed and tip-toed her way to where the hallway connected into the kitchen. What she saw there made her sick and furious. Her father was bent over the broken body of her Grandpa. What had he done? Jackie stayed where she was as she watched her father carry his father to the back yard. She quickly tip-toed to the big picture windows to see what her father was doing. She looked down and watched as her father took up a shovel, dug a hole, and buried her Grandpa.

With that, Jackie ran to her room and woke up her younger siblings. She motioned them to be quiet as they scrambled out the window. Where would they go? Jackie didn't know the answer but she knew that they had to get somewhere. The family wasn't safe, her father already proved that by killing their Grandpa. Jackie remembered a time where she felt safe, that one place was Mt. St. Helens. She didn't really understand why she was drawn to such a place, especially since there was no security or people that she could trust there.

The three girls ran towards the street. Just as they were to turn the corner to go down the hill, a car stopped.
“Do you three ladies need a ride?”
“Yes, sir we do. Our father just murdered our Grandfather, we need to get to Windy Ridge at Mt. St. Helens. If you could take us,” said Jackie as she nervously walked towards the car. What she didn't realize that it was her uncle.
“Hop in ladies.”

Mt. St. Helens: 3 hours later

Jackie and her sisters got out of the car at Windy Ridge. They walked on the paths a bit, to get a closer look into the mountains crater. Just then, Jackie caught a glimpse of something shiny. She turned around and saw her dad rushing at her. Out of no where Aubrey came up behind her with a sword. . . .

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Dang it all! Jackie thought to herself as she slowly began to wake up. She had wanted to know how that dream ended. Would they all die? Did Aubrey kill their dad? And why were there swords involved? The dream by itself made no sense to her at all.

Six years later:

Jackie woke up screaming. I've had this dream before she said to herself. But wasn't it Aubrey who had the sword? Why did Melonie have the sword this time? The dream still made no sense.

The dream would haunt Jackie for years. Everyone once in a great while she would think about the dream and what mysteries it held. Every six years, since the very first dream, this horrible nightmare would repeat itself and it always ended the same. One of her sisters with a sword andBEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

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